It’s that time of year! Pull out all the pumpkins, candy corn, and apple cider because it is officially Fall and that means we’re celebrating! This apple cider sangria is filled with fresh apples, white wine, and spiked with cinnamon for a delicious taste of Fall. The recipe is super easy to make and can be prepped and chilling in the refrigerator prior to a lovely night of entertaining.

I made this last year and it was such a hit, I decided to bring it back this Fall. Make sure you have the following: measuring cup and spoons, large pitcher (that can hold at least 8 servings), and wine glasses of your choice. Word to the wise: No need to spurge on an expensive wine. I usually pick up a $8 – $12 bottle and it works fine. Soaking the fruit overnight gives a different taste than when its just made. The flavors from the apple and cinnamon just blends and do its THANG!

Makes for four:
2 apples (red and/or green)
1 lime sliced (optional)
2 cinnamon sticks
1 750ml bottle of Riesling
2 1/2 cups of apple cider (store bought is fine)
1/2 cup of Brandy
2 TB of brown sugar
1 cup of ginger ale (club soda if you don’t like it too sweet)